Thursday, May 28, 2009

Arabians in Dressage- Aragorn Strikes (again)

Aragorn Strikes, an 18 yr old Arabian gelding winning the Prix St. George and Fourth Level championship at the Region 12 Arabian and Half-Arabian Championships in May 2009. Aragorn came to me for training as a 12 yr old stallion that had 'issues' with the show ring. Basically, he lacked the confidence to deal with the outside world, including anything on a trail and especially the center line of the dressage arena (and the scary judges booth at 'C'). I used a lot of cross training , and spent a lot of hours conditioning him outside the rectangle resulting in him winning the Reserve National Championship at the Arabian and Half-Arabian Sport Horse Nationals. He is shown here with Debbie Hill in the irons and his proud owner, Stefanie Martinelli , who recently won her silver medal aboard Aragorn competing against warmbloods in South Florida.